Projects by Saurabh Balki

Covid SQL Data Exploration

  • Data Exploration using SQL Queries
  • Visualization of Data using Tabeau Public Dashboard

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Covid Dashboard

Nashville Housing SQL Data Cleaning

  • Data Cleaning using SQL Queries

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Spam Detector using Machine Learning

  • Spam and Ham Text Dataset was used to train Machine Learning Model
  • Detection was done amd model was deployed using streamlit and heroku
  • Real time accuracy was coming around 90%

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Movie Recommender system

  • TMDB dataset was used to train Machine Learning Model
  • Model was deployed using streamlit and heroku

Recommender System

Vehicle Number Plate Detection System

  • Input image was converted into Black and White Format
  • Edge Segmentation and Character Detection was applied
  • Final Detection was done and output was stored in the data sheet

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Vargi Bots

  • Warehouse management system implemented in Gazebo Simulation using ROS and MoveIt motion Planning Farmework
  • Robotic Arms have used for identification of pakages, putting them on conveyor belt and collecting them from belt and dispatching pakages to different cities according to their priorities
  • Email alert after each package of Dispatch and Shipment

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Automatic Plant Watering System

  • Soil moisture sensor detects the level of soil moisture (high or low)
  • If low then water from the reservoir was given to plant using water pump

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